Sunday, October 21, 2012

Be Alert This Dengue Season

Dengue is and has always been a big problem in the Philippines. Yet, after 60 years since the first outbreak, there is still no known cure. In fact, the virus might even be getting worse. Today, a new species of Dengue mosquito exists. Aedes albopictus is known to bite during nighttime, while the original mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is known to only bite during the day.

Both mosquitoes are native to tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia. They like to live close to humans because they are attracted to the chemical compounds human beings emit. Thus, it comes as no surprise that they breed and lay eggs in places near or inside homes, particularly in areas with stagnant water. The mosquitoes’ constant contact with bacteria makes them prime vehicles for transferring diseases like Dengue into humans.
The bite of the Aedes Dengue mosquito can cause symptoms like fever, rashes, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, body pain, bleeding, and even death. With now two species of dangerous mosquitoes on the loose, it is more important than ever to be on alert when protecting loved ones from this deadly disease. But without a cure, the best defense against Dengue is prevention.

Stanhome World, the No. 1 Direct-Selling Home Care Company in the European Union, shares surefire ways to avoid getting Dengue during this rainy season:

1.    Eliminate the mosquitoes’ breeding places.
The Department of Health says Dengue cases abound in suburban communities where junk shops, vulcanizing shops, tires on tops of roofs, backyard piggeries, and underdeveloped subdivisions become natural breeding grounds for mosquitoes.  Stop them from breeding by discarding all forms of stagnant water from jars, bottles, drums, auto tires, flower/plant pots, trash cans, coconut husks and other materials that collect rain or run-off water. Also, check the gutter and canals in your home and clean them thrice a week to remove water deposits.

 2.    Don’t give mosquitoes access to your home.
Prevent mosquitoes from coming inside the house by adding screens to your windows and doors. Better yet, safeguard your home with Citronella. This substance has a scent that is known to effectively repel mosquitoes and other insects, keeping them from coming near. STANHOME Banish Citronella is an Odor Neutralizer which keeps out mosquitoes while taking away the bad odors from inside and outside your home. If you want the indoors to be both protected and fresh-smelling, use STANHOME Stan-wick Citronella, a Home Deodorizer that emits a clean and fresh Citronella scent that welcomes your guests and rejects the pests.

3.    Protect yourself
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are known to attack in the daytime, so it is important to keep your body protected when you leave the house. Wear light-colored, long sleeved shirts or jackets, socks, long pants, and other garments that will cover your skin. If you can’t avoid using shorts or short-sleeved tops, rub insect repellent all over your exposed skin. STANHOME Insect Repellent Gel creates a protective barrier on the skin, repelling insects and mosquitoes for at least 7.5 hours. It’s dermatologically-tested, and is safe enough to be applied on one’s face.

With all this information in mind, you can be secure that you and your family are protected from the perils of Dengue. Put them into practice, and you’re sure to enjoy a worry-free, dengue-free life.

For more information about Banish Citronella, Stan-Wick Citronella and Insect Repellent Gel, follow STANHOME WORLD on Twitter (@StanhomeWorldPH), be a fan on Facebook (, or call/text 091-STANHOME (09178264663). You can also get these effective anti-dengue products from Stanhome World Independent Supervisors (SIS) or at Stanhome World Service Centers in Metro Manila, Pampanga, Batangas, Cebu, Iloilo, Bacolod, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Zamboanga, Butuan City and Kidapawan.

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