Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Book Signing of Better than Jewels and Found

The book signing  of Better than Jewels and Found at National Bookstore Book Glorietta was a success. It was attended by the two authors Rica Peralejo Bonifacio and Isa Garcia.

Better than Jewels is a weekly devotional where Rica shares her reflections on the joys and trials of motherhood, generosity and gratitude, love and sacrifice, and hard lessons from her past.  Each weekly entry comes with a page for journaling. You are encouraged to write down your own reflections and applications after every devotional entry. As you read this devotional, may you discover that the wisdom found in God’s Word is far better than all the jewels in the world

Found will take you as you are, a safe space for your secret hopes and fears, and the assurance that no matter where you are in your life right now, you will always be found.
About the authors:

Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio, is a wife, mom, writer, mentor, and daughter of God. After more than two decades of professional work in the local entertainment industry, she founded the Olivia Women Movement, a collective effort to usher women to a life of confidence and calling.
Next to Jesus, she cannot live without her husband, her son, and good coffee. She absolutely loves caramel apples and hates small talk. She blogs about faith, marriage, motherhood, and about other things in life on www.mrsbo.ph.
Author: Isa Garcia

Isa Garcia is a teacher, social advocate, and optimist. She has loved writing her whole life and feels that this book is the fulfillment of her eleven-year-old self’s greatest dream. She is grateful. believes that everybody deserves love letters. She wrote these letters in Found for you: the girl who has been feeling a bit lost; the girl who likes to run from pain; the girl who is ready to go; the girl who is a lot of things at one time or another. Isa knows that there are days when you would need to be reminded that you matter, you are not alone, and the world is a far better place with you in it.

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